LOT 7: Governance and Home Affairs The requests will cover one of the following technical aspects:- Programme / project identification and preparation / formulation
- Assistance implementation
- Preparation of Terms of Reference (services, works, supplies, ...) and evaluation of offers
- Evaluations (ex-ante, interim, ex-post etc.), monitoring
- Project Cycle Management (PCM)
A.1. Promotion and protection of human rights
In the context of the human rights approach to poverty reduction, inclusive focus on people's participation and empowerment, linkage to national / international human rights norms / standards, equality, non-discrimination, monitoring / accountability
- 1
- Promotion, protection of fundamental human rights
- 2
- Social, economic, cultural rights
- 3
- Political / civil rights (women rights, freedom of movement, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, children, minorities, migrants...)
A.2. Support to democratisation
- 4
- Democratisation processes (incl. civic education)
- 5
- Social / political roots of conflicts (conflict prevention)
- 6
- Elections (excluding exploratory mission for election observers and election observers' missions)
- 7
- Role / functioning of the Parliament
- 8
- Citizenship (representative legitimacy, participation and political accountability)
- 9
- Media freedom
A.3. Reinforcement of the rule of law and administration of justice
- 10
- Reinforcement of the rule of law
- 11
- Reform of judiciary (legal reform, justice and protection of human rights, capacity building, training of magistrates and prosecution officers...)
- 12
- Penal regime (sentencing and detention, pre-trial, juvenile detention...)
- 13
- Awareness / prevention of corruption
- 14
- Police reform
- 15
- Security sector reform (including exercise of civilian control over the military)
A.4 Public administration reform, and civil service reform
- 16
- Public administration reform, organisational development of public institutions (including policy formulation, planning, budgeting, monitoring, evaluation...)
- 17
- Civil service reform (including legal code, human resources management - recruitment, training, salaries...)
A.5. Decentralisation and local development
- 18
- Decentralisation (subsidiarity, legislation, accountability)
- 19
- Support to local authorities (local and regional levels including municipalities)
- 20
- Community based development (empowerment and participatory approaches, gender issues, micro-projects)
- 21
- Local development strategies (social, economic, multi-sector)
A.6. Enhancement of the role of civil society
- 22
- Organizations (Non Governmental organizations, Community Based Organizations, media, trade unions...), roles (service delivery and advocacy), recognition (legal framework), participatory organization analysis, needs diagnostics
- 23
- Capacity building (development of strategies, management and human resource development) (including design and delivery of training/mentoring/tutoring and other forms of support in all aspects of organization at strategic and functional level, advocacy, internal governance, decision-making processes, accountability and transparency, fund raising ), networking (networking at local, national, regional and international level, coalition building, intermediary organizations, dialogue with government institutions)
B. Home Affairs, the fight against organised crime (incl. drugs) and terrorism
- 24
- Home Affairs, fight against organized crime (incl. drugs) or, terrorism