LOT 1: Studies and technical assistance in all sectors Description

The Framework contract "Commission 2011" (COM 2011) is aimed for operations in the interest of the European Commission. The FWC COM 2011 is an instrument for fast and transparent recruiting of expertise /logistics within 3 lots. The FWC COM users are the European Commission Directorates general and Services (Headquarters and EU Delegations in third countries) that manage external aid budget lines, such as DEVCO - ELARG - TRADE - ENV - ECHO, 2. the European External Action Service, 3. the European Court of Auditors. STEM-VCR has been awarded Lot 1 of which the sectors are listed below:

List of Sectors for Lot 1
Social development / employment / eradication of poverty
Civil society
Human rights
Governance / state reform / security
Trade / development of the private sector
Food security
Rural development
Environment / climate / natural resources / energy
Development policies