Below some selected last 15 years' references

Select by project's sector:
  • Country
  • Project Title
  • Sector
  • Value
  • Client
  • Funding
  • Date
  • Palestinian Territories
  • Assessment of the PEGASE Direct Financial Support to the Palestinian Authority – Incentives Based Mechanism
  • Institutional Support
  • 157,406
  • European Commission
  • European Commission (FWC)
  • Septembe 2022 - September 2025
  • West Africa
  • Mid-term Evaluation of the Fight Against Organised Crime in West Africa: Combatting all types of Trafficking (OCWAR-T) - FED/2018/402-635
  • Evaluation
  • 199,012
  • European Commission
  • European Commission (FWC)
  • March - August 2022
  • Gabon
  • Formulation Projet Gouvernance Gabon
  • Civil Society & Governance
  • 59,870
  • European Commission
  • European Commission (FWC)
  • February - May 2022
  • Grenada
  • Final Evaluation of the 11th EDF Support to the Grenada Health Sector
  • Evaluation
  • 18,240
  • European Commission
  • European Commission (FWC)
  • January – May 2022
  • Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad
  • Assistance Technique au Programme d’urgence pour la stabilisation des espaces frontaliers du G5 Sahel 5 (PDU)
  • Local development
  • 611,000
  • European Commission
  • European Commission (FWC)
  • January 2022 – January 2025
  • Jordan
  • Final Evaluation - Technical Assistance for the Monitoring and Evaluation System in the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit and in the Ministry of Planning and International Co-operation
  • Evaluation
  • 89,300
  • European Commission
  • European Commission (FWC)
  • December 2021 – February 2022
  • Syria
  • Gender sectoral analysis - Syria
  • Gender
  • 124,028
  • European Commission
  • European Commission (FWC)
  • December 2021 – May 2022
  • Syria
  • Ex-post Evaluation of cross-border operations in Syria
  • Evaluation
  • 74,240
  • European Commission
  • European Commission (FWC)
  • December 2021 – May 2022
  • Ukraine
  • Mid-term evaluation of Pravo-Justice
  • Evaluation
  • 123,560
  • European Commission
  • European Commission (FWC)
  • December 2021 – February 2022
  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • Good governance for more investment and employment
  • Civil Society & Governance
  • 55,162
  • GIZ
  • GIZ
  • October 2021 – March 2022