In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation-GDPR (EU 2016/679)
    In conformity with the above law references, any personal data of yours that we handle will be processed based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your confidentiality and of your rights. Therefore, pursuant to article 13 of the GDPR 2016/679, we give you the following information:


    Framework ContractFWC SIEA 2018 EUROPEAID/138778/DH/SER/MULTI lots 3 and 5

    Involved Categories Clients, Possible clients, Self-employed workers, Candidates for a possible working relationship, Consultants and independent professionals, even as an association, Suppliers, Public actors or institutions

    Addressing Categories Consultants and independent professionals, both single and as an association, Institutional bodies, Clients, Suppliers, Possible clients or suppliers

    Areas of information processed Framework Contract - European CV

    Modality in which the data are processed Paper and electronic format

    Purpose of this processing STEM-VCR Srl through the processing "Framework Contract" handles the above listed data to facilitate the match between the EU demand regarding specialistic consultancies, and the supply from single international consultants who, not being allowed to offer their own services with a direct access to the EU, must necessarily go through consulting companies duly qualified through an appropriate specific international tender issued by the EU every 4 years.
    The Data Processor and the Data Controller ensure that data are treated only for the stated purpose and only for the part strictly necessary for the data processing. They also commit themselves, on a reasonable efforts basis, to revise and amend all the data that in the meantime come out to be different from the originals, to keep them always updated and to delete all the the data in exceess in relation to the declared processing.

    The processing complies with the following Lawful criteria Compliance with contractual obligations, the interested party has given consent to the processing

    For the following reasons The Framework Contract for its specific nature provides that the companies selected in a specific international call for tenders, among which STEM-VCR Srl, for the period from June 2018 to May 2022, perform functions of intermediation between the consultancy requests of the EU and the external experts submitting their applications for these consulting.

    Article 8 (data related to minors) In the processing "Framework contract" data of minors are not processed

    Article 9 (health, biometric and judicial data) In the processing "Framework contract", health, biometric and judicial data are not processed

    Duration of the processing The processing "Framework Contract - FWC SIEA 2018 EUROPEAID/138778/DH/SER/MULTI Lots 3 and 5" expires on 31/05/2022.

    Profiling Data collection related to a person (or to a group of people) and their analysis are based on a process for which decisions are taken automatically, but then they are re-evaluated by a designated person

    Transfer of the data of this processing Data are not transferred to non-EU countries

    DATA CONTROLLER Stem-VCR SRL (info@stem-vcr.it)

    DATA PROCESSOR Maurizio Floridi (mfloridi@yahoo.fr)

    DATA PROTECTION OFFICER (D.P.O.) Fausto Sorrentino (fausto.sorrentino@macwin2005.it)

    Rights of the people involved You can at any time exercise the following rights:

    • Access to your personal data
    • Have your personal data corrected or deleted, or the restriction of the related processing
    • Object to the processing
    • Ask for portability of your personal data
    • Withdrawal of consent, where applicable: withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation
    • Submit a compliant to the supervisory authority (Privacy Authority)